Train the Trainer

Recently all the wifi-U instructors went out to Salt Lake City for the Ubiquiti Train the Trainer Event.  It was an intense 3 days of going through all the slides and labs for four classes that we will be teaching for Ubiquiti. Of special interest was the Routing Switching Cybersecurity Administrator class. It’s their new class and it has a lot of great labs and heavy instruction on routing protocols. It’s a tough class and I don’t recommend it for beginners.  If you’re looking to get started in Networking take our Network Routing and Switching class before taking on that class.

We all felt like we were in an intense pressure cooker for three days, but we learned a lot, and a lot from each other.  I must admit I passed the test for the URSCA but not with a high enough score to teach it, so you may see me in the back of one of your classes, trying to prep for the test!